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Supervised Therapeutic Visitation Services

What Is Supervised Therapeutic Visitation?

Supervised Therapeutic Visitation (STV) provides a safe and constructive visitation environment for children and supportive and corrective feedback for parents to foster a healthy parent-child relationship.

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Supervised Therapeutic Visitation is a type of short-term parenting plan for families where there has been concern about whether a parent and child can engage safely. A judge may order supervised visitation in situations where there has been intimate partner violence between between parents or a history of abusive behavior on the part of the parent towards the child (e.g., failing to properly supervise a child, physical/verbal abuse, sexual abuse). The parties and their attorneys may also make an agreement that a parent’s visit should be supervised by a neutral third party in cases where there was a long separation between the parent and child.

Supervised Therapeutic Visitation allows a child to continue to have contact with their parent in a safe environment with a trained professional who can intervene if needed and provide in the moment guidance and feedback to the parent. This type of parental intervention and feedback makes Supervised Therapeutic Visitation different from general supervised visitation at visitation centers, where often, the staff may not be permitted to provide constructive feedback to the parent.

Supervised Therapeutic Visitation services can on occur as a single service or it may be combined with Reunification Therapy. When Supervised Therapeutic Visitation occurs on its own, it does not replace Reunification Therapy. Wynns Family Psychology also offers Reunification Therapy services.

Why Choose WFP for Supervised Therapeutic Visitation?

The Supervised Therapeutic Visitation services that Wynns Family Psychology offers is distinctive. Wynns Family Psychology providers are child specialists who have experience interacting with families engaged in court processes. As a child and adolescent practice, Wynns Family Psychology offices are child friendly such that everything from the colors in the office space and the available activities were developed with children in mind. If appropriate, Wynns Family Psychology offers parents the opportunity to have visitation occur offsite (e.g., parks, activity zones, restaurants, and more).

Get Started - Information & Scheduling

Call 919-467-7777 or email to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our therapy services, testing services, social skills groups, custody services, and team of psychologists and therapists. You can also complete our new client inquiry form to get started.

Most new clients are scheduled for their first full appointment at the Cary, Raleigh, or Greensboro, NC office locations within one to two weeks of calling. We also offer telehealth for those who prefer to have virtual sessions from home, school, or the office.

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