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Screen Parenting Workshop - page header image


Screen Parenting Workshop - page header image

Screen Parenting Workshop

children Teens teenagers Screens phones tv video games electronics Parenting group Workshop raleigh cary NC

Tweens, Teens & Screens Parenting Workshop

for Parents; TBA

Do your kids spend too much time watching TV, playing video games, surfing online, or piddling on their phones? Does misbehavior tend to correlate with separating them from their beloved "screens?" Could you use more ideas about how to successfully disengage from these activities and reconnect your children with family and friends? If you're struggling with how much time your tweens and teens spend in front of a screen, come join our Tweens, Teens & Screens Parenting Workshop. Learn how to tell if your child is addicted to gaming, what types of influences screens have on behavior, reasonable time limits, building reward systems, and more!

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