Beyond No Wimpy Parenting - Who's the Boss
Building Trust in Your Marriage—In a marriage, what are the building blocks of trust?
According to the dictionary, trust is defined as “the assured reliance in the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.” Having it is a critical factor and also the main foundation for any relationship, whether it’s a friendship, a parent-child relationship, or a marriage. Once trust is broken and an individual no longer feels that he or she can rely on their partner, the bond of faith can be very challenging to repair and rebuild.
Let’s Get Physical
How can your commitment to health affect your commitment to the one you love?
The Effects Of Marital Conflict On Your Kids
Is conflict in your marriage taking a toll on your children? Even if the arguments take place behind closed doors, they can still impact your kids. Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses some tactics parents often use without realizing the effects and how parents can resolve conflicts in a constructive manner that provides a positive behavioral model for their children.
Coping With Your Child's Behavioral And Emotional Issues
Children can place stress on any marriage, and when kids are dealing with behavioral or emotional problems, it can often be even more trying on the parents. Dr. Kristen Wynns returns to discuss some of the differences between chronic problems and those that are a natural part of development, as well as what parents can do to make sure the special needs of their children don’t take a toll on the marriage itself.
I'm Sorry, Really, I'm Sorry
Apologizing can be a lot more difficult than it seems. Dr. Kristen Wynns joins us to discuss why some of us find it so hard to apologize to our spouses, the impact of always needing to be right on a marriage, why making your spouse believe your apology is for real can be difficult, as well as her 5 steps for a sincere and constructive apology.
Family Meetings – Ugh!
It would be nice to sit down with everyone for dinner or a discussion, but with everyone’s busy lives, is rounding up the family for some time together even possible? Dr. Kristen Wynns returns to the show to share her tips on working family time into a hectic schedule and discusses the importance of regular family communication (including the kids) on your marriage.
Connecting When You're Expecting
With a baby on the way, life can become even more hectic than usual and your relationship with your spouse can be one of the first things to suffer. The physical changes can be hard enough to deal with, but what impact do changes in mood, increased responsibility, and the limelight (or lack thereof for dads) of pregnancy have on the relationship? Does the length of time you've been married before having a child make things easier? Dr. Kristen Wynns returns to the show to take a look at how factors like length of marriage, number of other children, and emotional preparedness can impact intimacy with your spouse.
Can Your Marriage Survive A Baby?
After the excitement of the birth has worn off, infants can place a lot of strain on a relationship. Do you find it hard to devote the time to your spouse and marriage that you used to? Are your children toddlers and now that you have a little more time, you feel like you hardly know your spouse? Dr. Kristen Wynns returns to the show to discuss how you can stay focused on your marriage without neglecting your responsibilities as a new parent.
How Will Infertility Affect Your Marriage?
Has the inability to conceive created problems for your personal health, relationship with your spouse, or the priorities in your marriage? Harboring guilt or resentment quickly leads to a breakdown in communication that puts your marriage in serious jeopardy. Dr. Christina Rush discusses the emotional and psychological impact of infertility on both the spouses individually and the couple as a whole, and how to approach the goal of having children and the treatments that go along with them in a way that doesn't overshadow the needs of the marriage.
Happy Mother's Day: Making Your Wife Feel Appreciated As A Mother
With Mother's Day just around the corner, we're all reminded just how important it is to show appreciation for the mothers in our lives. But sometimes we can forget that it's just as important to show appreciation and support for your wife's role as a mother throughout the rest of the year. What are some of the issues mothers deal with on a daily basis that sometimes go unnoticed, and what can husbands do to show their appreciation?
What Do Men Really Want? (It's Not What You Think.)
There are a lot of stereotypes about men and what they want, and nearly everyone has heard them. But believing that men are as simple as the stereotypes say can make you miss out on more meaningful ways to make him happy and strengthen your relationship together. Do you think you know what men really want out of their relationships?
Does Long-standing Sibling Rivalry Really Have An Impact On A Marriage?
So where does sibling rivalry start in the first place? According to academic professionals at the University of Michigan Health System, the most fundamental effect and characteristic of sibling rivalry is jealousy. Constant arguments between siblings create a strong feeling of tension in the household that's felt by everyone. It's also been suggested that rivalry between siblings has negative effects on the marriage of the parents, as the problems experienced between the siblings begin to make the parents more likely to disagree about who is right and who is wrong in different situations. So what is the best way to ease the tension and quell the rivalries?
Children Refusing To Go To School
G105 Showgram Psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynns sheds some light on why kids may feel stress and anxiety about going to school... and what you can do about it.
Financial Stress: Segment 2
Job troubles? Cary NC Psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses strategies to battle financial stress with G105's Bob and the Showgram crew. Part 2
Financial Stress: Segment 1
Job troubles? Cary NC Psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses strategies to battle financial stress with G105's Bob and the Showgram crew. Part 1
Parenting Teenagers: Segment 2
Dr. Wynns discusses helpful tips for raising teenage kids. Part 2
Parenting Teenagers: Segment 1
Dr. Wynns discusses helpful tips for raising teenage kids. Part 1
Parenting Questions with Mike: Segment 3
Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses parenting with Bob and the Showgram's Mike. Part 3
Parenting Questions with Mike: Segment 2
Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses parenting with Bob and the Showgram's Mike. Part 2
Parenting Questions with Mike: Segment 1
Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses parenting with Bob and the Showgram's Mike. Part 1
Considerations Of Being A Surrogate Mother
Dr. Wynns talks with Kentucky Kristin about the considerations of being a surrogate mother.
Dr. Wynns Gets A Theme Song And Discusses John's Body-type Preferences.
Dr. Wynns Gets A Theme Song And Discusses John's Body-type Preferences.
Dr. Wynns Gets A Theme Song
Dr. Wynns Gets A Theme Song
In the Studio Radio Segment 5: Answering More Questions
Dr. Wynns sits down in the studio to offer some insights with Bob, Mike, Kentucky Kristin, and Weird-Creepy John about their histories and relevant issues in their lives. It's G105 Bob and the Showgram therapy at it's finest :-)
In the Studio Radio Segment 4: Hollywood Headlines & Bob
Dr. Wynns sits down in the studio to offer some insights with Bob, Mike, Kentucky Kristin, and Weird-Creepy John about their histories and relevant issues in their lives. It's G105 Bob and the Showgram therapy at it's finest :-)
In the Studio Radio Segment 3: Mike
Dr. Wynns sits down in the studio to offer some insights with Bob, Mike, Kentucky Kristin, and Weird-Creepy John about their histories and relevant issues in their lives. It's G105 Bob and the Showgram therapy at it's finest :-)
In the Studio Radio Segment 2: Kristin
Dr. Wynns sits down in the studio to offer some insights with Bob, Mike, Kentucky Kristin, and Weird-Creepy John about their histories and relevant issues in their lives. It's G105 Bob and the Showgram therapy at it's finest :-)
In the Studio Radio Segment 1: John
Dr. Wynns sits down in the studio to offer some insights with Bob, Mike, Kentucky Kristin, and Weird-Creepy John about their histories and relevant issues in their lives. It's G105 Bob and the Showgram therapy at it's finest :-)
Compulsive Snacking
G105 Bob and the Showgram Psychologist. G105 Bob and the Showgram Therapist. G105 Bob and the Showgram Psychiatrist. What's the difference? Dr. Wynns discusses these differences among psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists. She also talks with Bob Dumas about his favorite snack mix and compulsive personality.
Why We Buy And Relationships
Dr. Wynns offers some insight into the purchases people make and Kentucky Kristin's relationship with her boyfriend.
Fears And Phobias
Dr. Wynns discusses the difference between fears and phobias with G105's Bob and the Showgram.
How And If You Should Talk To Your Kids About The Orlando Shootings
Dr. Wynns discusses how and if parents should talk to their children about the Orlando, Florida shooting with G105's Bob and the Showgram. June 13, 2016.