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2023 Resources

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WRAL TV Broadcast Interview: Family psychologist offers advice for parents with kids in remote learning
Remote Virtual Learning — Tips & Advice for Parents to Help Their Children with School — Dr. Wynns
Channel Your Jealous Impulses
You've probably notices the phenomenon: Just about everything your family and friends post on Instagram-pictures of their kids or their gourmet meals--is impeccable. Where is the messy kitchen? What happened to all their piles of laundry? It's tempting to wish your life could be as together as everyone else's seems to be.
When Your Husband Doesn't e-mail back
Have you ever e-mailed your husband at work, writing something along the lines of "Hope you're having a great day! Please remember to pick up the veggie tray for the party, get my oil changed, and mover the clothes to the dryer when you get home. Thanks!"--only to get this response: (Insert crickets chirping)?
Is Your Tween In a Relationship?
If so, it's important to be clear about your rules.
Plan a DIY Date Night for Less
You can expect dinner out to cost upwards of $100 per couple-not cheap! Why not tap into your creativity and turn your house into a restaurant instead?
When Your Kids are Begging for a Pet
There are countless upsides to owning a furry friend (other than all the cuddles & kisses). Taking care of a pet has been shown to help children feel compassion for animals, people, and even themselves. In this hectic world, it's also nice that petting a dog or cat is linked to lower stress and better mental health. But before you run to a shelter or pet shop, ask yourself:
Counsel on Giving Counsel
Even though offering up good advice seems like a prerequisite for being a good friend, it's sometimes harder than we think.
When Your Kid Sees the Glass Half Empty
Does your child or teen tend to take a negative perspective on every schoolyard scenario?
Survival Skills Camps
Go beyond basic training
A Little Confidence Goes a Long Way
Raising confident teens and tweens
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
How to identify and manage a child who has it
What You Should Know About Free Range Parenting
Would you let your 10-year-old take a public bus alone? Or would you allow your 7-year-old to ride in an elevator without you? Many parents who embrace so-called free-range parenting would say, "Why not?"
No Wimpy Parenting
Is There a Difference Between Teasing and Bullying?
Living with ADD? How to thrive with Attention Deficit Disorder
The Holderness Family Podcast
Is your child ready for kindergarten
Having the legislature set a date for kindergarten eligibility doesn’t keep parents from struggling with the question of whether or not their individual child is ready to start school.
03/28/2023 - Kindergarten Readiness Redshirt or Enroll
Determining the right time to enroll your future kindergartner
NBC17 My Carolina - Wynns discusses early Kindergarten
Dr. Kristen Wynns from Wynns Family Psychology joins us with some expert advice on how to determine if your kid is ready to start Kindergarten in the fall, She’s also sharing details on an upcoming Kindergarten Fair where you can find all the help, resources and FREE screenings you’ll need.
Early entry to Kindergarten - DCDC Podcast
Discovery Child Development Center Podcast Episode 27 - Early entry to Kindergarten - Dr. Kristen Wynns of Wynns Family Psychology (Cary and North Raleigh) joins us to discuss the process of early entry into kindergarten, as well as factors parents should weigh when considering early entry.
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WRAL TV Broadcast Interview: Family psychologist offers advice for parents with kids in remote learning

Remote Virtual Learning — Tips & Advice for Parents to Help Their Children with School — Dr. Wynns

NBC17 My Carolina - Wynns discusses early Kindergarten

Dr. Kristen Wynns from Wynns Family Psychology joins us with some expert advice on how to determine if your kid is ready to start Kindergarten in the fall, She’s also sharing details on an upcoming Kindergarten Fair where you can find all the help, resources and FREE screenings you’ll need.
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Channel Your Jealous Impulses

You've probably notices the phenomenon: Just about everything your family and friends post on Instagram-pictures of their kids or their gourmet meals--is impeccable. Where is the messy kitchen? What happened to all their piles of laundry? It's tempting to wish your life could be as together as everyone else's seems to be.

When Your Husband Doesn't e-mail back

Have you ever e-mailed your husband at work, writing something along the lines of "Hope you're having a great day! Please remember to pick up the veggie tray for the party, get my oil changed, and mover the clothes to the dryer when you get home. Thanks!"--only to get this response: (Insert crickets chirping)?

Is Your Tween In a Relationship?

If so, it's important to be clear about your rules.

Plan a DIY Date Night for Less

You can expect dinner out to cost upwards of $100 per couple-not cheap! Why not tap into your creativity and turn your house into a restaurant instead?

When Your Kids are Begging for a Pet

There are countless upsides to owning a furry friend (other than all the cuddles & kisses). Taking care of a pet has been shown to help children feel compassion for animals, people, and even themselves. In this hectic world, it's also nice that petting a dog or cat is linked to lower stress and better mental health. But before you run to a shelter or pet shop, ask yourself:

Counsel on Giving Counsel

Even though offering up good advice seems like a prerequisite for being a good friend, it's sometimes harder than we think.

When Your Kid Sees the Glass Half Empty

Does your child or teen tend to take a negative perspective on every schoolyard scenario?

Survival Skills Camps

Go beyond basic training

A Little Confidence Goes a Long Way

Raising confident teens and tweens

Oppositional Defiance Disorder

How to identify and manage a child who has it

What You Should Know About Free Range Parenting

Would you let your 10-year-old take a public bus alone? Or would you allow your 7-year-old to ride in an elevator without you? Many parents who embrace so-called free-range parenting would say, "Why not?"

No Wimpy Parenting

Is There a Difference Between Teasing and Bullying?

Is your child ready for kindergarten

Having the legislature set a date for kindergarten eligibility doesn’t keep parents from struggling with the question of whether or not their individual child is ready to start school.
03/28/2023 - Kindergarten Readiness Redshirt or Enroll

Determining the right time to enroll your future kindergartner
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Living with ADD? How to thrive with Attention Deficit Disorder

The Holderness Family Podcast

Early entry to Kindergarten - DCDC Podcast

Discovery Child Development Center Podcast Episode 27 - Early entry to Kindergarten - Dr. Kristen Wynns of Wynns Family Psychology (Cary and North Raleigh) joins us to discuss the process of early entry into kindergarten, as well as factors parents should weigh when considering early entry.
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Most new clients are scheduled for their first full appointment at the Cary, Raleigh, or Greensboro, NC office locations within one to two weeks of calling. We also offer telehealth for those who prefer to have virtual sessions from home, school, or the office.

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