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Parenting Resources

parenting family mother daughter father son mom dad child children raleigh cary nc

What is Parenting and Why Is It Important?

The American Psychological Association says that a high-quality parent-child relationship is critical for healthy development. The job of parenting aims to ensure children's health and safety, prepare children for life as productive adults, transmit cultural values, and more. Parents want the best for their children, but well-meaning mothers and fathers can still struggle with issues related to conflict, discipline, and peace in the home.

Parenting Can Be Tough
No Matter The Age of Your Child

Parents with young children may be dealing with noncompliance, disobedience, sleep issues, picky eating, tantrums, potty training, school anxiety, and general behavior problems. And parents with older kids may have more problems with their teen and issues regarding disrespect, following rules, screen time, conflict, boundaries, attitudes, acting out, emotional struggles, and visitation refusal (for divorced families).

parenting mom dad son daughter help family cary raleigh nc

How We Can Help with Parenting

You can be the most intelligent person in the room, and still struggle with effective parenting. Parenting is tough. But we can all do better when given the right strategies to implement with our chldren. Wynns Family Psychology partners with parents in many ways to provide you with encouragement, support, and parenting strategies. We offer everything from parent coaching to child therapy to co-parenting services. We even have a parenting book! Take a look at our Parent Coaching / Parent Therapy page to learn more.





Parenting Resources & Articles

Parenting Resources

  • What You Should Know About Free Range Parenting

    Would you let your 10-year-old take a public bus alone? Or would you allow your 7-year-old to ride in an elevator without you? Many parents who embrace so-called free-range parenting would say, "Why not?"

  • Is Your Tween In a Relationship?

    If so, it's important to be clear about your rules.

  • No Wimpy Parenting

    Is There a Difference Between Teasing and Bullying?

  • A Little Confidence Goes a Long Way

    Raising confident teens and tweens

  • Survival Skills Camps

    Go beyond basic training

  • Can Your Marriage Survive A Baby?

    After the excitement of the birth has worn off, infants can place a lot of strain on a relationship. Do you find it hard to devote the time to your spouse and marriage that you used to? Are your children toddlers and now that you have a little more time, you feel like you hardly know your spouse? Dr. Kristen Wynns returns to the show to discuss how you can stay focused on your marriage without...

  • The No Wimpy Parenting Handbook

    An Easy Guide For Reclaiming Your Parenting Power. Are you frustrated and at the end of your rope when it comes to parenting? The No Wimpy Parenting Handbook is a must-have resource for parents who are tired of having no power in their own homes! The No Wimpy Parenting handbook is meant to empower parents with easy tips and effective strategies to transform their homes. There is an epidemic...

  • When Your Kid Sees the Glass Half Empty

    Does your child or teen tend to take a negative perspective on every schoolyard scenario?

  • Counsel on Giving Counsel

    Even though offering up good advice seems like a prerequisite for being a good friend, it's sometimes harder than we think.

  • When Your Kids are Begging for a Pet

    There are countless upsides to owning a furry friend (other than all the cuddles & kisses). Taking care of a pet has been shown to help children feel compassion for animals, people, and even themselves. In this hectic world, it's also nice that petting a dog or cat is linked to lower stress and better mental health. But before you run to a shelter or pet shop, ask yourself:

Resource Library

View all of the Wynns Family Psychology resource content in the main Resources section. Articles, webinars, videos and more!.
WFP Resource Library

Get Started - Information & Scheduling

Call 919-467-7777 or email to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our therapy services, testing services, social skills groups, custody services, and team of psychologists and therapists. You can also complete our new client inquiry form to get started.

Most new clients are scheduled for their first full appointment at the Cary, Raleigh, or Greensboro, NC office locations within one to two weeks of calling. We also offer telehealth for those who prefer to have virtual sessions from home, school, or the office.

Request An Appointment Today
