"Thank you so very much Dr. Wynns. We are finally on the right track thanks to your evaluations."
Parent of an 8-year-old
Educational testing
"I can't possibly express how very pleased we were following our meeting today... This is just so important and I worry constantly. You were a long-overdue, deep breath of fresh air."
Custody client
"Thank you so much for the report on H. I've contacted the school, and hopefully they'll be able to adapt her curriculum to meet her needs. I wanted to let you know that two of the doctors I work with reviewed the report with me and they both commented on it being an excellent report and that you did a very good job, they were very impressed."
Parent of an 8-year-old
Learning disabilities evaluation
"I would like to take this moment to say how much I admire your extreme positive, happy and upbeat attitude... You not only offer great advice, you blend the perfect match of a great personality that helps people open up and feel very comfortable right away. Thanks for all you are doing for my “not-so-little-anymore” girl!"
Parent of a 12-year-old
Therapy client
"Thanks for testing M so soon after we called and for preparing and sending the test results so quickly... we were thrilled with the results and also with the whole testing process. We could not have been more pleased with your service, calm and friendly manner, and kind understanding of nervous parents and kids. This gifted education testing process... could not have ended on a more positive note. Even if she had not qualified for the gifted education program for which she was testing, she walked out of your office feeling successful and special, and that meant a lot to us."
Parent of an 8-year-old
Gifted evaluation
"I just want to thank you so much for your personal and approachable nature. I was very impressed with your knowledge-base and implementation concerning early entry. I am pleased to report that K is doing very well in Kindergarten!"
Parent of a 4-year-old
Early entry to kindergarten testing
"I went for a run...one week after I had an appointment with you. I had felt like a leaking bathtub, and somehow in that appointment I put the plug back in, and it stayed. The process of therapy is mysterious, and I realized in that run that somehow speaking words of healing and security in your presence blesses them and makes them come true."
Adult therapy client
"Frankly, I had not expected you to have so thoroughly reviewed the information we sent you. I was more than impressed and relieved... (Because of) your professionalism and organization skills... Having you on our team provides me with much comfort and more confidence."
Custody client
"We are so grateful to you for diagnosing D (I truly believe a number of people would have missed this diagnosis) and we believe you have been instrumental in helping D back onto a positive trajectory...you are truly a "life-saver" in this way. I will be working intensively with D at home on all your suggestions as well as some exercises I am developing on my own..."
Parent of an 8-year-old
Therapy client
"Thank you so very much for the time you spent with me yesterday. Though we only had 30 minutes, I learned more than 4 hours on the internet. Again, thank you for your time, energy, and willingness to share your expertise."
Consultation with child educator
"We just want to thank you so much for your encouragement! J is THRIVING in kindergarten and is happy to get on that bus every single day! His first report card was almost all 4's and O's (outstanding), and he received the 'Outstanding Eagle' award (similar to Student of the Month)!!! And he's not even five until next week! We are so happy for him! A million heartfelt thank you's!!! I really struggled with this decision and it has been a blessing, we will be forever grateful!!"
Parent of a preschooler
Early entry to kindergarten assessment and consult
"(Child) did make it into kindergarten and is currently reading on a level 18 (First Grade Fourth Quarter). The AIG teacher loves him and pulls a group once a week for nurturing. And, he is taller than a lot of the six year olds in his class. Thank you for all that you have done to make his kindergarten year successful."
Parent of a kindergartener
Early entry to kindergarten testing
"B has been doing well. You...successfully helped B step out of the danger zone and we are grateful for that. I have shared your name with all my school counselors because I feel that you have a gift."
Parent of a 17-year-old
Therapy client
"It was pleasure meeting you, and we honestly felt that we made the right choice by choosing you. We got real professional service and you exceeded our expectations. We will pass on the word about you to our friends who are looking for your services. Thank you so much for your help."
Parent of a 5-year-old
Early entry to kindergarten testing
"Your evaluation and recommendations have opened our minds and opened doors for B. My family and I are reading all the books that you suggested on Nonverbal Learning Disorder and have already learned a lot to help us help B. So, we have been very busy ever since receiving your report and I want to thank you for being so thorough and so encouraging. You are a fabulous psychologist and I will recommend you to people in the future."
Parent of a 2-year-old
Developmental/psychological evaluation
"Your testimony was instrumental in the judge's decision. You did a really great job and we cannot thank you enough. I look forward to working with you again."
Attorney of custody client
Custody Evaluations and Plans
"You really went above and beyond the call of duty... I'm very happy that we found someone like you. I appreciate everything you have done for her (client), her progress is amazing."
Parent of a 10-year-old
Phobia therapy
"I just want to thank you so much for your personal and approachable nature. I was very impressed with your knowledge-base and implementation concerning early entry. I am pleased to report that K is doing very well in Kindergarten!"
Parent of a 5-year-old
Gifted testing