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Psychologist Resources

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WRAL TV Broadcast Interview: Family psychologist offers advice for parents with kids in remote learning
Remote Virtual Learning — Tips & Advice for Parents to Help Their Children with School — Dr. Wynns
Children Refusing To Go To School
G105 Showgram Psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynns sheds some light on why kids may feel stress and anxiety about going to school... and what you can do about it.
Financial Stress: Segment 2
Job troubles? Cary NC Psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses strategies to battle financial stress with G105's Bob and the Showgram crew. Part 2
Financial Stress: Segment 1
Job troubles? Cary NC Psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses strategies to battle financial stress with G105's Bob and the Showgram crew. Part 1
Compulsive Snacking
G105 Bob and the Showgram Psychologist. G105 Bob and the Showgram Therapist. G105 Bob and the Showgram Psychiatrist. What's the difference? Dr. Wynns discusses these differences among psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists. She also talks with Bob Dumas about his favorite snack mix and compulsive personality.
New Lesson for NC Classrooms: Teaching Social Skills
Teachers and parents are realizing some children could use help with the simplest of social skills, like greeting a stranger or carrying on casual conversation. The National Association of School Psychologists now includes the training in its recommended curriculum. In the past, social skills training was exclusively used for students with diagnosed problems such as autism, but psychotherapist Kristen Wynns says more children now need basic training on how to relate to others. Wynns Family Psychology is featured in this Public News Service social skills article. You can download the Public News Service social skills MP3 news clip here. Learn more about Wynns Family Psychology Social Skills Groups.
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WRAL TV Broadcast Interview: Family psychologist offers advice for parents with kids in remote learning

Remote Virtual Learning — Tips & Advice for Parents to Help Their Children with School — Dr. Wynns
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New Lesson for NC Classrooms: Teaching Social Skills

Teachers and parents are realizing some children could use help with the simplest of social skills, like greeting a stranger or carrying on casual conversation. The National Association of School Psychologists now includes the training in its recommended curriculum. In the past, social skills training was exclusively used for students with diagnosed problems such as autism, but psychotherapist Kristen Wynns says more children now need basic training on how to relate to others. Wynns Family Psychology is featured in this Public News Service social skills article. You can download the Public News Service social skills MP3 news clip here. Learn more about Wynns Family Psychology Social Skills Groups.
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Children Refusing To Go To School

G105 Showgram Psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynns sheds some light on why kids may feel stress and anxiety about going to school... and what you can do about it.

Financial Stress: Segment 2

Job troubles? Cary NC Psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses strategies to battle financial stress with G105's Bob and the Showgram crew. Part 2

Financial Stress: Segment 1

Job troubles? Cary NC Psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynns discusses strategies to battle financial stress with G105's Bob and the Showgram crew. Part 1

Compulsive Snacking

G105 Bob and the Showgram Psychologist. G105 Bob and the Showgram Therapist. G105 Bob and the Showgram Psychiatrist. What's the difference? Dr. Wynns discusses these differences among psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists. She also talks with Bob Dumas about his favorite snack mix and compulsive personality.
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