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Coping With Your Child's Behavioral And Emotional Issues
Children can place stress on any marriage, and when kids are dealing with behavioral or emotional problems, it can often be even more trying on the parents. Dr. Kristen Wynns returns to discuss some of the differences between chronic problems and those that are a natural part of development, as well as what parents can do to make sure the special needs of their children don’t take a toll on the marriage itself.
How Will Infertility Affect Your Marriage?
Has the inability to conceive created problems for your personal health, relationship with your spouse, or the priorities in your marriage? Harboring guilt or resentment quickly leads to a breakdown in communication that puts your marriage in serious jeopardy. Dr. Christina Rush discusses the emotional and psychological impact of infertility on both the spouses individually and the couple as a whole, and how to approach the goal of having children and the treatments that go along with them in a way that doesn't overshadow the needs of the marriage.
Does Long-standing Sibling Rivalry Really Have An Impact On A Marriage?
So where does sibling rivalry start in the first place? According to academic professionals at the University of Michigan Health System, the most fundamental effect and characteristic of sibling rivalry is jealousy. Constant arguments between siblings create a strong feeling of tension in the household that's felt by everyone. It's also been suggested that rivalry between siblings has negative effects on the marriage of the parents, as the problems experienced between the siblings begin to make the parents more likely to disagree about who is right and who is wrong in different situations. So what is the best way to ease the tension and quell the rivalries?
Cary Magazine Article: Overcoming School Anxiety
For many preschool-age children, school anxiety is a real problem that leads to stress, somatic symptoms such as headaches and stomach aches, and behavior problems. In fact, school anxiety is often part and parcel of school refusal, which can be one of the most stressful issues parents face. Parents often feel helpless, guilty and overwhelmed. So what can you do if your preschooler is experiencing school anxiety?
New Lesson for NC Classrooms: Teaching Social Skills
Teachers and parents are realizing some children could use help with the simplest of social skills, like greeting a stranger or carrying on casual conversation. The National Association of School Psychologists now includes the training in its recommended curriculum. In the past, social skills training was exclusively used for students with diagnosed problems such as autism, but psychotherapist Kristen Wynns says more children now need basic training on how to relate to others. Wynns Family Psychology is featured in this Public News Service social skills article. You can download the Public News Service social skills MP3 news clip here. Learn more about Wynns Family Psychology Social Skills Groups.
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Cary Magazine Article: Overcoming School Anxiety

For many preschool-age children, school anxiety is a real problem that leads to stress, somatic symptoms such as headaches and stomach aches, and behavior problems. In fact, school anxiety is often part and parcel of school refusal, which can be one of the most stressful issues parents face. Parents often feel helpless, guilty and overwhelmed. So what can you do if your preschooler is experiencing school anxiety?

New Lesson for NC Classrooms: Teaching Social Skills

Teachers and parents are realizing some children could use help with the simplest of social skills, like greeting a stranger or carrying on casual conversation. The National Association of School Psychologists now includes the training in its recommended curriculum. In the past, social skills training was exclusively used for students with diagnosed problems such as autism, but psychotherapist Kristen Wynns says more children now need basic training on how to relate to others. Wynns Family Psychology is featured in this Public News Service social skills article. You can download the Public News Service social skills MP3 news clip here. Learn more about Wynns Family Psychology Social Skills Groups.
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Coping With Your Child's Behavioral And Emotional Issues

Children can place stress on any marriage, and when kids are dealing with behavioral or emotional problems, it can often be even more trying on the parents. Dr. Kristen Wynns returns to discuss some of the differences between chronic problems and those that are a natural part of development, as well as what parents can do to make sure the special needs of their children don’t take a toll on the marriage itself.

How Will Infertility Affect Your Marriage?

Has the inability to conceive created problems for your personal health, relationship with your spouse, or the priorities in your marriage? Harboring guilt or resentment quickly leads to a breakdown in communication that puts your marriage in serious jeopardy. Dr. Christina Rush discusses the emotional and psychological impact of infertility on both the spouses individually and the couple as a whole, and how to approach the goal of having children and the treatments that go along with them in a way that doesn't overshadow the needs of the marriage.

Does Long-standing Sibling Rivalry Really Have An Impact On A Marriage?

So where does sibling rivalry start in the first place? According to academic professionals at the University of Michigan Health System, the most fundamental effect and characteristic of sibling rivalry is jealousy. Constant arguments between siblings create a strong feeling of tension in the household that's felt by everyone. It's also been suggested that rivalry between siblings has negative effects on the marriage of the parents, as the problems experienced between the siblings begin to make the parents more likely to disagree about who is right and who is wrong in different situations. So what is the best way to ease the tension and quell the rivalries?
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