Testing And Evaluations For Kids, Teens, And Families

One of the most rewarding aspects of our job is helping families with academic evaluations or psychological testing. A family comes to us with a puzzle – all of the pieces are scattered and out of place. Nothing is making sense. We provide a thorough, customized evaluation and help the family fit the pieces of the puzzle back together. Families often give us feedback about how thorough our reports are, how individualized our recommendations are, and how much time we spend focusing on their child or teen’s unique issues until we make sense of the puzzle. We are proud of our strong reputation with schools, pediatricians, and law firms throughout NC who refer to us for testing.
We don't provide “cookie cutter” evaluations or reports – each new client is a new opportunity to figure out your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and unique needs. We are passionate about helping families who have a child or teen who has struggled in school or other areas but have never determined “why.” We look forward to working with your family to help put together your unique puzzle.

What Can Parents Expect
When Testing Their Child?
Most evaluations begin with a parent consultation (for children or teens) or client consult (for adults). The psychologist will recommend what testing is best after learning about your concerns and goals. After the specific testing package is chosen, the client will be scheduled for testing. We have a fast turnaround time! Families can expect (in most cases) to get the report back and the feedback session scheduled three to four weeks after testing. Wynns Family Psychology has the following testing package options:
Psychoeducational, Educational, Academic Evaluations for Children & Teens
- Full Psychoeducational Evaluations
- IQ & Achievement Evaluation (Gifted Evaluation)
- IQ & Achievement Evaluation (Learning Disabilities/Dyslexia Evaluation)
- Full Neuropsychological Evaluation: This includes our Full Psychoeducational Evaluation as well as comprehensive memory and language testing.
- Early Entrance to Kindergarten Evaluation
- Kindergarten Readiness Evaluation
- Cognitive (IQ) Evaluation only: Provides in-depth information on several factors of intelligence (i.e. factual knowledge, short-term memory, abstract reasoning, visual-spatial abilities, common sense, etc.), and on academic strengths and weaknesses. The results are used by educational programs as part of the determination of the “Gifted” label. At the other end of the spectrum, the results can also identify intellectual disability.
- Achievement Evaluation only: This typically includes the Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ-IV), the standard in assessing academic achievement, which will provide in-depth information regarding a child’s mastery of specific subjects, academic strengths, and weaknesses.
- AD/HD Evaluation (for children and adults)
- Comprehensive Memory Evaluation: Memory testing provides specific information about a child’s auditory/ verbal and visual/nonverbal memory, as well as attention and concentration.
- School Consultation/Observation: School consultations are designed to assist in identifying a child’s educational and behavioral needs at school and developing and implementing a plan to meet those needs. We may observe your child at school and talk with their teacher to assess concerns and discuss classroom interventions & accommodations. We can attend formal meetings with parents at their child’s school (such as IEP or 504 meetings).

Psychological and Developmental Evaluations
for Children & Teenagers
- Developmental Evaluation / Autism Evaluation (Ages 12 months+).
- Full Psychological Evaluation: This includes cognitive, emotional and personality testing, and provides in-depth information on an individual’s functioning in all three of these areas. It’s useful to help understand what a person is thinking and feeling as well as one’s underlying personality structure, cognitive strengths and limitations, coping skills and weaknesses, and motivations behind behavior.
- Abbreviated Psychological Evaluation: This includes emotional and personality testing, and provides in-depth information regarding an individual’s functioning in both of these areas. This testing helps understand what a person is thinking and feeling, the underlying personality structure, coping skills and weakness, and why a person behaves as he or she does. If previous cognitive testing exists, or if it seems fairly certain that cognitive limitations do not bear on the case, an abbreviated psychological evaluation can be an invaluable resource for providing diagnostic clarification and treatment recommendations.
- Substance Abuse Evaluation: Our Substance Abuse testing package aims to provide an in-depth evaluation of an individual’s current functioning when substance abuse, dependence, or intoxication is suspected or implicated. Featuring a comprehensive examination of an individual’s background history and patterns of interpersonal, social, and emotional conflicts and stressors, this testing battery generates a focused assessment of underlying factors contributing to a person’s pattern of substance use. Findings are integrated into a final report aimed at specifying effective treatment recommendations (i.e. evidenced-based treatment programs, referrals for treatment facilities, etc.) and informative resources tailored to an individual’s presenting problems.
- Psychosexual Evaluation: Ages 4-17. When there is concern that a child or adolescent may have engaged, observed, or exhibited sexually inappropriate or sexually aggressive behavior, then a psychosexual evaluation may be warranted.
- School Crisis Assessment Screening: This brief assessment is helpful when there are concerns about a student’s ability to return to classes when there are safety concerns (risk of self-harm or violence). The screening can also be used to help determine if a more in-depth risk assessment is warranted. Recommendations may be made for additional services, if needed. A written summary of the findings and recommendations can be provided to school staff with proper signed releases.
- Pre-Adoption Evaluation: For couples who are preparing to adopt a child through the international adoption process. This pre-adoption evaluation includes a comprehensive interview to include a complete history of each parent.

Forensic, Court-Involved, and Court-Ordered Evaluations
Click HERE for a complete list of forensic and court evaluations
We Can Help Your Child with Testing
Please schedule your initial consultation as the first step to work with the psychologist to determine what testing package will best meet your needs. Our reports and evaluations can then be shared with schools or colleges to obtain IEP/504 plans or other academic accommodations, with doctors or psychiatrists to help determine which medications might help, therapists, attorneys, or other professionals.