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Therapy Services

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Therapy Services

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Therapy Services

Specialty Therapy Services for Your Family

CBT play parent child mindfulness family therapy cary nc raleigh

Wynns Family Psychology is a Child and Adolescent Family Practice. And because our clinicians focus on working with children, teens, and families, collectively they bring a wide range of "specialty" therapeutic experiences, training, and certifications that support this work with you and your family.

Our Clinicians Have Expertise with the Following Specialty Treatment Strategies:

We can connect you with a clinician who has the tools to help you.

WFP also offers a variety of workshops and groups throughout the year.

Contact us. We can help.


Specialty Resources & Articles

Therapy Resources

Resource Library

View all of the Wynns Family Psychology resource content in the main Resources section. Articles, webinars, videos and more!.
WFP Resource Library

Therapy F.A.Q.

Yes! WFP providers offer virtual or telehealth sessions for clients who are located in North Carolina at the time of session. In addition, some of our providers are able to provide services outside of North Carolina, so please ask us for more information if this applies to you! If you would like a telehealth session, please let our admin team know when you call to schedule your appointment. We will then send you a link via email that will directly connect you to your provider at the time of your scheduled appointment. As long as you have a strong wi-fi connection and private location, you will be all set. However, we do recognize that telehealth may not be an appropriate fit for all clients. In such circumstances, some providers are able and willing to offer in-person appointments. For those clients looking to have in-person appointments, please speak with your provider or let us know.

WFP does not currently offer psychiatry services for children, teens, and adults.

Most insurance companies reimburse for a percentage of our services. However, we are technically “out-of-network.” What this means is you pay for services upfront, and then we help guide you through submitting the necessary claims forms to get directly reimbursed by your insurance company. (Note that insurance providers are typically required to reimburse clients within 30 days of receiving a claim so this typically keeps the process running smoothly.) On average, most clients are reimbursed somewhere between 50% – 80% for services, but our Insurance Benefits “Cheat Sheet'' (along with a call to your insurance company) will help you determine your plan’s specific benefits. Also, we accept Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Cards and Health Savings Account (HSA) Cards in our office. Most FSA and HSA accounts cover therapy, testing, groups, and custody services.

Because we specialize in and work with kids and teens on a daily basis, we know how to successfully connect with them. Our typical approach for teens is laid-back and positive. Even the most strong-willed teenagers respond to this strategy and find it more helpful to open up to our personable and objective psychologists (instead of their parents, friends, and teachers). We foster a safe and comfortable environment in which teens are eager to talk about their friends, families, and themselves! And once this door is opened, we can successfully move on to resolving their problems and issues. We often tell parents, “If you can get him in our office, we’ll do the rest!”

We suggest you explain that she is going to talk and play with someone who helps kids with their problems. Some parents explain we are “feelings doctors” who help kids who are sad, mad, or worried feel better. Most children enjoy play therapy so you can reassure your child by explaining we have a fun office with a variety of toys, games, art materials, and workbooks. We also have a treasure chest with prizes your child can choose at the end of each session. Because we strive to make therapy engaging as well as effective, children are often eager to come back!

We require divorced parents to both consent for services if you share legal custody. (Most custody or consent orders have some language about notifying the other parent of medical or mental health services, but it’s important to review your specific agreement). If your ex isn’t able or willing to sign the consent forms, but doesn’t object to services, you can discuss with us other options. If your situation is complicated, just ask for assistance when you call to schedule.

Resource Videos

View all of the Wynns Family Psychology resource videos in the Video Gallery.
Resource Videos

Get Started - Information & Scheduling

Call 919-467-7777 or email to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our therapy services, testing services, social skills groups, custody services, and team of psychologists and therapists. You can also complete our new client inquiry form to get started.

Most new clients are scheduled for their first full appointment at the Cary, Raleigh, or Greensboro, NC office locations within one to two weeks of calling. We also offer telehealth for those who prefer to have virtual sessions from home, school, or the office.

Request An Appointment Today
